Monday, April 19, 2010

Performance at the Well 4/17/10

Oh my! We got the DVD done for comic Susie 2295 this past Saturday but the BIG news is we discovered a new talent. Not to take anything away from Susie's performance, which was great, we had a young lady who had never been on stage, never sang in front of a group, never sang without musical backup---and she was fantastic! Kaylee Mills blew us away and as soon as we can we're going to share some of her video with you.

This is what it's all about really, giving artist their chance. Susie now has some marketing tools to assist her career and make money with. And Kaylee has been bitten by the performing bug now. Folks, you would not know that this was Kaylee's first time singing in public. Lots of performers would not have done it like she did either---without music. Our hats off to this young lady and we look forward to more from her in the future.

Stay tuned for more on this "historic" evening of Performances @ The Well. Until tomorrow, stay tuned.

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