Monday, July 12, 2010

Performance @ The Well 7/17/10

This Saturday the Performance @ The Well series continues with a musical fundraiser for the American Red Cross. Open Mic will feature the very talented Kali Mills who will be on her way to American Idol auditions in Minnesota next week. Then we will be entertained by the very talented duo of John Bonham and Rick Thompson...or as their fans may know them...John & Rick...or...Rick & John.

Either way you look at it, or them, you will be treated to a great night of local entertainment while supporting organization we all need, our

American Red Cross!

That's it for now, until tomorrow, stay tuned.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back In The Saddle Again!

Hey folks! You probably thought we had fallen off the face of the Earth...or, you could have been relieved by the lack of communication. In any event we are back. There is so much to write about, but lets pause here and thank everyone for all the support and understanding you have rendered to us these past few weeks; it was appreciated and will never be forgotten. God bless you all!

Now onto business, probably too much for one installment but we got to start somewhere. Saturday July 17th Performances @ The Well continue with a fund raiser for the American Red Cross. At this time you can purchase advanced tickets at and if you take your ticket to Howell's Buffalo Wild Wings and dine before the show, BWW's will donate 20% of your bill to the American Red Cross.

Performing for us on the 17th will be John Bonham and Rick Thompson, a great duo to jam with on a warm summer night. These gentlemen are just that "gentlemen", a class act to be savored and enjoyed! Opening for them will be the new local "phenom" Kaylee Mills who literally stole the show a couple months ago when she took the stage for the first time and sang Japanese. Kaylee's career is already taking off and the following week she will be en route to Minnesota to compete in American Idol.