Monday, November 2, 2009

Hell "doco" @ Sundance?

Followers of this site have heard of, hopefully experienced Mr. Hyde. For those of you who know them and those of you who don' is some exciting news. Mr. Hyde was playing out in Hell, Michigan on Devil's Night and there was a film crew there doing a documentary to submit to Sundance next year. Working title for the project is "Hell on Earth". Bill Welsh, the man behind Flannel Nation is a founding member of Mr. Hyde. Bill sent me the following message this morning:

Some cool news to share. Mr. Hyde was filmed for an upcoming documentary about Hell MI. The film will be called "Hell on Earth" and they are looking to get it into the Sundance Film Festival in 2011. It was cool, they filmed us doing 8 of our originals. Will see what happens, but it was a very surreal Rock Star moment in Hell on Devil's Night.
Rock Star:Bill Welsh Billy Paul Jr. Mr. Hyde 248 798 1180 Cell

Mr. Hyde and their alter ego, Uptown Sound will be performing at the "Paint The Town Green" event at Lawrence Institute of Technology on Saturday, November 21st. Look for more information on that coming soon. Until then, thanks for reading along, keep the faith and STAY TUNED.

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