Thursday, December 29, 2011

Open Mic @ PB&B in WL

Here I am blogging at my new hangout, Peaberry Bean & Beats.   Getting ready for the new year and planning to be here every Wednesday night for Pamela's Open Mic night.   Very cool environment and atmosphere, quite inspirational to be honest.   Looking forward to this mid-week "pick me up" built into my schedule for the future.

Last night was even more exceptional since it was Pamela's *%$# birthday and her staff surprised her with wine, cheesecake and presents.   I  also met another "regular" there, someone I had not seen in my previous visits and I believe her name was Connie.   All I can say is that I was captivated by this person---she won't remember me but for a few minutes we seemed to be on the same wave-length.   For a brief moment everything seemed right, though those of you who follow my ramblings know that I fall in love on the average "once a week" but this was very different.   Seriously.  So I won't bore you with all the predictable things like how great her smile was etc etc., but everything DID seem perfect in the world for those brief moments (smile was exceptional by the way).

I mention this really only to point out the very cool people you can meet at the PB&B.   What made it so cool was that this "Connie" and I don't travel in the same worlds.   She, is educated, does important things with money...I'm an ex roadie :)   Probably the only thing we have in common is the PB&B, but that's okay, the encounter is something I will always cherish.   Which brings us full circle on this posting...scheduling things for the following year.   I plan on being at the PB&B at the same time most days, blogging at first then developing a video broadcast from here possibly.   This is good for a number of reasons with business potential, but it also may increase the odds of another "cherished moment".

Until next time, keep you stick on the ice and stay tuned.

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