Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas to all and...
What can we say? It's Christmas, so many changes in 2009 and more on the table for 2010. That's great, we're not complaining here but, for the next few days we're just going to reflect. Be at peace with ourselves and our fellow man. We leave you now with some our favorite images of this time of year. From all of us here at Lamocu Productions, enjoy the holiday season to the max, keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Guitar Lessons!
The following is a flyer put together by our own Bill Welsh of Flannel Nation Records. We applaud Bill's effort's in these economic times to keep the love of music growing! Rock on Bill!
Left to right, Greg Reske on drums, Bill Welsh on guitar and Scott Mills on bass of Mr. Hyde.
****************Music Stimulus Package ***************
You want to take lessons but are having a hard time committing the money that everyone is asking for on a weekly basis. What to do? How about Group Lessons?
With a Group Lesson you are still getting instruction and at the same time saving money. But you are also getting an added benefit- playing, learning and networking with other people, that share a similar interest. If you are interested please contact me- the schedule is below and each lesson will be limited to 4 people.
Sunday 4:00-4:45 Beginner Cost is $15.00 *see below
Sunday 5:00-5:45 Intermediate Cost is $15.00 *see below
Sunday 6:00-6:45 Advanced Cost is $15.00 *see below
Beginner classes will cover Open Chords, Melody’s, Songs of Yesterday and Today- think strumming around the campfire
Intermediate classes will cover Barre Chords, Memorizing the Chord and Note Names, Octaves, Songs of Yesterday and Today, Scales and Theory- geared toward musicians wanting to play out.
Advanced Classes will cover a lot scales and how to visualize them on the fretboard, playing thru chord changes, will also work on improvising. Geared toward working musicians that want to break out of a rut, and or improve dramatically.
Classes will start January 3, 2010
Call Bill today at 248-798-1180 248-798-1180 to sign up.
You want to take lessons but are having a hard time committing the money that everyone is asking for on a weekly basis. What to do? How about Group Lessons?
With a Group Lesson you are still getting instruction and at the same time saving money. But you are also getting an added benefit- playing, learning and networking with other people, that share a similar interest. If you are interested please contact me- the schedule is below and each lesson will be limited to 4 people.
Sunday 4:00-4:45 Beginner Cost is $15.00 *see below
Sunday 5:00-5:45 Intermediate Cost is $15.00 *see below
Sunday 6:00-6:45 Advanced Cost is $15.00 *see below
Beginner classes will cover Open Chords, Melody’s, Songs of Yesterday and Today- think strumming around the campfire
Intermediate classes will cover Barre Chords, Memorizing the Chord and Note Names, Octaves, Songs of Yesterday and Today, Scales and Theory- geared toward musicians wanting to play out.
Advanced Classes will cover a lot scales and how to visualize them on the fretboard, playing thru chord changes, will also work on improvising. Geared toward working musicians that want to break out of a rut, and or improve dramatically.
Classes will start January 3, 2010
Call Bill today at 248-798-1180 248-798-1180 to sign up.
More later, so stay tuned.
Enough already!
Been away for awhile, family issues seem to mount during the holidays. We hope that everyone out there is dealing with things in an effective manner. We try but fall short many times, I guess that's why they call us "human".
On our March 20th show we will probably return to music, but the performers and charity have yet to be determined, so stay tuned for that info as well.
On a personal note, my thanks to all our followers who showed support after the "anonymous
" comment the other day. It makes you think, the whole point of expressing your opinion is so that others know where you stand on an issue. So the anonymous part is kind of pointless. It reminds of a story in the book "Hammer Of The Gods" (a bio of Led Zeppelin) where the manager wanted the writer on tour to print "someone said Led Zep was bigger than the Beatles". The writer said (and I'm paraphrasing) "fine, who said it?" The manager said "nobody said it yet, but I want you to SAY that somebody said it!" Needless to say...it never got printed that anyone said that. Anony
mous quotes are worthless.
The other point that came to mind is why you would read something you don't like? Mickey Spillane, author of the Mike Hammer novels used to tell this story...now if you haven't read any Mike Hammer, there full of booze, bleach blonde's, and gun play. I know that and I've only read a couple of them! Well on more than one occasion Mr. Spillane said
he had been confronted by individuals who couldn't wait to give him their opinion of his work. They called him sexist in his treatment of women, didn't like his story line etc etc and had read everyone of his books and wished he would write something good for a change. In each case Mr. Spillane would look them in the eye, smile and say (paraphrasing again) "but you read everyone of my books" and walked away. Point, set, match---see ya!
That's it for today. Dad feels up to Christmas shopping! The guys in the editing booth are driving me crazy with their Page vs. Clapton debate again! More later, until then thanks for reading along and stay tuned.
With Christmas a little over a week away...is anyone other than me tired of Tiger Woods?
I'm not here to defend the man but EVERY day the media jumps on "another development". What other development can there be? He screwed up (no pun intended) and is paying the price (again, no pun intended) so let it be---I really don't care! People may say "well it keeps people's minds off their problems"; yeah well, the Holiday Season used to do that! Let's concentrate on the positive in the world if we need to be distracted. Better yet let's concentrate on being good to each other, since this is the only time of the year we seem to do it anyways. That's it for me, off my soap box about the media and Tiger. I chose this picture of Tiger to remind everyone of the "real" victims of this mess are.
Things are moving along at a pretty good clip for our shows in 2010. January 23rd at The Well will feature Lauren Alm, possibly a couple other bands, our emcee will be the talented Guy Robertson. The charity we will be working for is the Hope Autism Foundation. To follow the great work that Marcy and Lisa are doing, check out their blog at www.Hopeforautismmi.wordpress.com/ and it will give you something to think about instead of Tiger. Final details on this event are still coming in, the Foundation may have a dinner to accompany the show, so stay tuned.
On February 20th at The Well we will have a night of comedy featuring Trevor Smith and most, if not all of his group, "twentysomething,funnysomething". The charity we will be working for on that night will be the Pinckney High School Football program.
On our March 20th show we will probably return to music, but the performers and charity have yet to be determined, so stay tuned for that info as well.
On a personal note, my thanks to all our followers who showed support after the "anonymous
The other point that came to mind is why you would read something you don't like? Mickey Spillane, author of the Mike Hammer novels used to tell this story...now if you haven't read any Mike Hammer, there full of booze, bleach blonde's, and gun play. I know that and I've only read a couple of them! Well on more than one occasion Mr. Spillane said
That's it for today. Dad feels up to Christmas shopping! The guys in the editing booth are driving me crazy with their Page vs. Clapton debate again! More later, until then thanks for reading along and stay tuned.
lauren alm,
mickey spillane,
the well,
tiger woods
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Roller Coaster of Life!
We've been away from our computers for a few days, sorry. It seems the holiday season can be the most stressful and sometimes the most depressing time of the year. The Well is presenting a four part drama dealing with just that issue and I'm proud to be part of it. I play the old man, the grandfather---obviously typecasting! But what am I going to do? There's no such things as a small part, just small actors, or so the saying goes. And I've needed the role to stay focused in my own life, so many thanks to the crew at The Well that saw "something" in my potential.
In the last few days some incredible highs and lows have hit me. Staying balanced is not the easiest thing to do even when it's not the holiday season. First, my oldest Alex made it official is going off to join the Marines. Pride combined with fear hit me hard. It's like being on the greatest roller coaster in the world---you're excited to finally be there but that trek up to the top is full of anxiety. Next my second child Trevor gets his first radio interview since becoming a stand up comic and he gives ME credit for his comic upbringing! A buddy driving truck in another state heard it live and called me instantly! My pride turned to excitement and was about to burst---I was at the highest point of the roller coaster, enjoying the ride. Then just two days ago my dad and I are having lunch, he asks what my daughter Melissa would like for Christmas, he would like to get it soon because he doesn't think he'll live until Christmas...my roller coaster had bottomed out. Dad has been sleeping more and more and I feel I'm on a "death watch" now.
I know the roller coaster will begin it's ascent again soon. There will be "highs" coming to me, for Lamocu and everything we are trying to do here, I know that. We have a big show in January to get ready for, but for now we're finishing this week on the bottom side of the roller coaster looking up. And that is where you have to look. You can't look back for this nothing you can do to change the past. You have FAITH and you move forward, knowing that ascent WILL happen soon.
Then today after two days of clunking along at the bottom of my roller coaster, I get a message from a new friend in California. Karen Stever left me this quote in "comments" on our My Space. It is from Helen Keller:
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved."
It's brutal we should have to go through so much to build our character, bu
t I do hope we can at least see some good come from it!
I hope you are doing well there!!!
Karen :)
Like a guardian angel this source of inspiration arrived. The ascent has begun. More later so stay tuned.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Email notice!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A Link To Check Out!
Lovers of live comedy we have a new site for you...twenty something. funny something, and we know you'll recognize at least one of these up and coming comics, our own Trevor Smith. Details are still being finalized but it looks like Trevor and his cohorts will be performing TWICE in Livingston County come February 2010! One show for SURE is at The Well on Saturday, February 20th, the exact time yet to be determined so stay tuned.
Pictured above (L-R)
Allen Trieu, Adam Degi, Matt Lauria & Trevor Smith
funny something,
trevor smith,
twenty something
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pirate Radio Rocks!
We ho
pe everyone had a great holiday weekend...for a lot of us, there is MORE of us to love these days. Such is the fate of the holidays I guess. If they made low calorie stuffing and other goodies they probably would taste like crap and we wouldn't bother right? Exactly. Anyways, if you're in the mood to go to the movies, and you're not really into romantic vampires, Pirate Radio is a MUST! Very well done with an excellent cast this is a movie that all rock and rollers, all journalism majors and all lovers of music period should see.
The group I saw it with crossed several generations of music lovers; several had lived through it, some had heard about it, some had just "read" about it--- but all of us loved it. As in any industry it is important to know the innovators, the pioneers, the people who gave of themselves and sacrificed for what they believed in. Sometimes in this crazy world we can lose perspective on what it is we do and why, with Pirate Radio our vision has been restored, revitalized and reborn.
Here at Lamocu Productions we are proud to be doing our part in keeping the dream alive... Long Live Rock! Go see Pirate Radio with someone you love. Until next time, stay tuned!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Today is gray. Not much more that you can really say about it, it's gray. People ask what's the weather like there and all you can say is "gray". Is it a weather condition, not really...but yet there is no other reasonable description. You're kind of in limbo between all the other weather conditions---is it going to do something? Certainly, but what you're not sure of, so it's gray.
Now the color and condition is what you make of it. You could let it effect your state of mind which would be catastrophic, or you can go with it. Letting yourself drift into limbo is unproductive and sometimes damaging so you must keep your focus. I choose to look upon this condition and imagine I'm in merry old England, involved in some mystery and my creative juices begin to flow again. With my creativity in gear I can now concentrate on my business and my life. It's a simple exercise that works for me, but not always simple to do.
How are you allowing "outside" conditions effect you? Have a blessed day now, make the most of it. Signing off here in Michigan...where it's GRAY. Until next time...stay tuned.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
TGIF, can stand for a lot of things but the one it's most noted for is Thank God It's Friday. Now I can thank God for a lot of things but just because it's Friday is not one of them. Oh I still excite at Friday, but when you have shows on the weekend it's not like Friday is the end of the week and I can loaf and relax for the weekend. Anyways, I do have a lot to be thankful for and tomorrow's show IS one of them.
For one thing, tomorrow represents our first show at The Well! The performers for Rockin' 4 Gleaners and myself are very excited about this venue. Not only has this facility opened their arms to us, they have jumped on board to become a sponsor for our shows. That may not mean much to some, but to have people look at what you're doing and see "value" in it and put their name on it, like The Well and Buffalo Wild Wings have done, is priceless. I'm thankful to our two sponsors and know that with their credibility we're going to grow even more.
Also, The Well was there when we were in limbo, unsure of our next step. That's something to be thankful for! Being our first show there we're also thankful for all the friends who have said they will come and help out with various tasks throughout the evening. Knowing that you will never have a second chance to create a first impression, makes all of us at Lamocu "thankful" for our friends.
Then there are the performers for Rockin' 4 Gleaners, we're thankful we have met and established relationships with them. We're thankful for Gleaners, not so much for what they do for us, but what they do for our community! Being associated with Gleaners is an honor we do not take lightly. It is a privilege to be a small part of what they do. Thanks Michelle---you're the greatest!
Hopefully tomorrow we will get a promo photo of Mr. Hyde to show you (every attempt before has failed, lol) but we would be remiss if we didn't give thanks to them. Mr. Hyde is compromised of three individuals who refuse to let their dream die. They're not kids and have been told they are "...too old to rock and roll but too young to die..." but will not surrender to such thoughts! And thank God for that! They have been an inspiration for all of us here; in fact Bill Welsh, the founder of Flannel Nation records, is the lead singer of Mr. Hyde, so you know they are people dear to our heart. But until that promo picture comes through, we are destined to show you the other two performers we are thankful for and they are NOT too old to rock and roll. We're very thankful we have met...
With all that said, we need to conclude with a very special thank you to God for letting us do what we do for a living! Rockin' 4 Gleaners is tomorrow at The Well, tickets are $10 and include a $5 food coupon to Buffalo Wild Wings in Howell. 3 bands, food coupons and the satisfaction you're helping your community---there's no better entertainment value around! Well lots to do for tomorrow so we'll sign off for now. Be thankful no matter what day it is and hope to see you all there at the show. Until next time keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.
Also, The Well was there when we were in limbo, unsure of our next step. That's something to be thankful for! Being our first show there we're also thankful for all the friends who have said they will come and help out with various tasks throughout the evening. Knowing that you will never have a second chance to create a first impression, makes all of us at Lamocu "thankful" for our friends.
Then there are the performers for Rockin' 4 Gleaners, we're thankful we have met and established relationships with them. We're thankful for Gleaners, not so much for what they do for us, but what they do for our community! Being associated with Gleaners is an honor we do not take lightly. It is a privilege to be a small part of what they do. Thanks Michelle---you're the greatest!
Hopefully tomorrow we will get a promo photo of Mr. Hyde to show you (every attempt before has failed, lol) but we would be remiss if we didn't give thanks to them. Mr. Hyde is compromised of three individuals who refuse to let their dream die. They're not kids and have been told they are "...too old to rock and roll but too young to die..." but will not surrender to such thoughts! And thank God for that! They have been an inspiration for all of us here; in fact Bill Welsh, the founder of Flannel Nation records, is the lead singer of Mr. Hyde, so you know they are people dear to our heart. But until that promo picture comes through, we are destined to show you the other two performers we are thankful for and they are NOT too old to rock and roll. We're very thankful we have met...
With all that said, we need to conclude with a very special thank you to God for letting us do what we do for a living! Rockin' 4 Gleaners is tomorrow at The Well, tickets are $10 and include a $5 food coupon to Buffalo Wild Wings in Howell. 3 bands, food coupons and the satisfaction you're helping your community---there's no better entertainment value around! Well lots to do for tomorrow so we'll sign off for now. Be thankful no matter what day it is and hope to see you all there at the show. Until next time keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.
a hero falls,
city limit,
mr. hyde,
the well
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
On Line Music
This came across our desk here at Lamocu from one of our LinkedIn groups, Music Industry Forum, today and we wanted to share it with our readers. It was submitted by
MANAGING DIRECTOR - FUNDING COALITION LLC - M & A, Strategic Consulting, Capital Brokering, here it is:
MANAGING DIRECTOR - FUNDING COALITION LLC - M & A, Strategic Consulting, Capital Brokering, here it is:
MusicOnlineAlive (MOA) is the music platform for the internet. Codenamed “Music/OS”, our platform will give artists, record companies, and third party developers a powerful set of tools
MusicOnlineAlive (MOA) is building the music platform for the internet. Codenamed “Music/OS”, our platform will give artists, record companies, and third party developers a powerful set of tools to create and monetize an entirely new set of online musical experiences. As a core technology provider, MOA stands to become the primary pipeline through which music is heard, experienced and monetized on the web
MusicOnlineAlive (MOA) is building the music platform for the internet. Codenamed “Music/OS”, our platform will give artists, record companies, and third party developers a powerful set of tools to create and monetize an entirely new set of online musical experiences. As a core technology provider, MOA stands to become the primary pipeline through which music is heard, experienced and monetized on the web
I hope this was helpful for someone out there. Just a reminder that Rockin' 4 Gleaners happens this Saturday at our new location, The Well, 7191 Grand River in Brighton (just next door to where we've been at InSights) hope to see you all there. Until next time, stay tuned.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thought of the day
The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all morality.
- John F. Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th!
Made it through the day, no worse for the wear. Made contact with Stever, listened and viewed her new song/video and got a signed cd coming! Truly inspiring to be conversing with a "working" artist who is taking the time to personally answer her own messages. Check her link out on MySpace. ![](//2.bp.blogspot.com/_E0LYCLC8_aY/Sv45QcEI6PI/AAAAAAAABug/1ndqZU7v-3o/s320/karen+stever.jpg)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Rockin' 4 Gleaners!
Saturday, November 21st, 2009 come to the Insights Bldg. in Brighton to help raise awareness and funds for Gleaner's Food Bank here in Livingston County. Show will start and 7pm, admission is $10 but you will receive a $5 food coupon good at Buffalo Wild Wings in Howell.
Bring no food, this is not a food drive. Gleaners can do more with CASH!!! Try and bring a little extra cash to support our performers that night and their merchandise sales. Lamocu is very proud of the efforts these performers are putting together to make this event happen. It will be hosted by Uptown Sound and their band, Mr. Hyde and will feature two of our favorites...A Hero Falls & City Limit. For more information please call us at 810-623-8131 or email at lamocu007@gmail.com. See you there!
a hero falls,
city limit,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Calling Aspiring Songwriters!
This came across our desk today from one of our LinkedIn Groups, Musicians, we'd like to share it with you. It was submitted today by
Koos Kalkman
Founder/Director at VillaMusicRights
The world of music copyright is evolving. Monopolies of collecting societies are under pressure. Songwriters complain about a lack of benefit, music users about non-transparent and high tariffs. Collecting societies are old-fashioned. Now is the time for online DIY copyright management. VillaMusicRights is a website in English, Spanish and Dutch, and plays a role as a facilitator in the contacts between songwriters and users of their music. This means you can upload your music and arrange your rights. The music will be stored in a database and users can download it. Downloads for home users are free, but business users have to pay a modest amount of money. Both songwriters and users have to register. Songwriters have to declare to own the rights to the music and users have to declare that they won’t use the music for other purposes than agreed. VillaMusicRights takes care of payments between songwriters and business users and receives a commission in remuneration of the cost of display, advice and transactions. A lot of music genres already are represented in the database, from rock to reggae and from blues to easy listening.
Website: http://www.villamusicrights.com
Email: oxana@villamusicirghts.com
We hope this information helps somebody out there...we know you writers are out there! Tomorrow look for details on our Rockin' For Gleaners show on Nov. 21st. Until later then, stay tuned.
Koos Kalkman
Founder/Director at VillaMusicRights
The world of music copyright is evolving. Monopolies of collecting societies are under pressure. Songwriters complain about a lack of benefit, music users about non-transparent and high tariffs. Collecting societies are old-fashioned. Now is the time for online DIY copyright management. VillaMusicRights is a website in English, Spanish and Dutch, and plays a role as a facilitator in the contacts between songwriters and users of their music. This means you can upload your music and arrange your rights. The music will be stored in a database and users can download it. Downloads for home users are free, but business users have to pay a modest amount of money. Both songwriters and users have to register. Songwriters have to declare to own the rights to the music and users have to declare that they won’t use the music for other purposes than agreed. VillaMusicRights takes care of payments between songwriters and business users and receives a commission in remuneration of the cost of display, advice and transactions. A lot of music genres already are represented in the database, from rock to reggae and from blues to easy listening.
Website: http://www.villamusicrights.com
Email: oxana@villamusicirghts.com
We hope this information helps somebody out there...we know you writers are out there! Tomorrow look for details on our Rockin' For Gleaners show on Nov. 21st. Until later then, stay tuned.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Holiday Rock Music!
This came across our desk here at Lamocu from one of our LinkedIn Groups, The Music Industry Forum. We thought it might be of interest to many of our followers. It was submitted by:
Mark Allan Wolfe
Studio Musician / Songwriter / Composer / m_wolfe@rocketmail.com, on Nov. 9 early this AM.
I have several excellent ORIGINAL HOLIDAY ROCK MUSIC, as well as nearly 600 other songs and instrumentals in my music catalog. My catalog is made of of several different styles and genres, from contemporary rock and pop styles to some specialty styles. Licensed easily, no hassles,only one owner, and very unique. Some samples are available for listening on my website at www.markallanwolfe.com or my LinkedIn page or anywhere else online. Enjoy and share the love
Mark Allan Wolfe www.markallanwolfe.com
Thanks Mark, we're glad to pass this information along.
Mark Allan Wolfe
Studio Musician / Songwriter / Composer / m_wolfe@rocketmail.com, on Nov. 9 early this AM.
I have several excellent ORIGINAL HOLIDAY ROCK MUSIC, as well as nearly 600 other songs and instrumentals in my music catalog. My catalog is made of of several different styles and genres, from contemporary rock and pop styles to some specialty styles. Licensed easily, no hassles,only one owner, and very unique. Some samples are available for listening on my website at www.markallanwolfe.com or my LinkedIn page or anywhere else online. Enjoy and share the love
Mark Allan Wolfe www.markallanwolfe.com
Thanks Mark, we're glad to pass this information along.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
3rd Quartermania
Our third Quartermania at InSights was overall a success. We had less vendors going into it, which is not a good sign, but we streamlined some things in the program, kept the enthusiasm up and actually had several parties booked.
For those of you familiar with "direct selling", these vendors who are the back bone of any Quartermania, need to book home parties. It is how they meet new people and all of them offer great gifts to someone who "hosts" a party for them. So we had some education on that point from Kathleen O'Connor of Arbonne International---thank you Kathleen!
Our next scheduled Quartermania is December 4th, again at InSights. If you haven't experienced the fun yet, please come join us. If you or someone you know is direct selling, you owe it to yourselves to join. For more information just leave a comment here or write us at our email address.
Until next time, stay tuned.
For those of you familiar with "direct selling", these vendors who are the back bone of any Quartermania, need to book home parties. It is how they meet new people and all of them offer great gifts to someone who "hosts" a party for them. So we had some education on that point from Kathleen O'Connor of Arbonne International---thank you Kathleen!
Our next scheduled Quartermania is December 4th, again at InSights. If you haven't experienced the fun yet, please come join us. If you or someone you know is direct selling, you owe it to yourselves to join. For more information just leave a comment here or write us at our email address.
Until next time, stay tuned.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Our third Quartermania is tonight at InSights. If you haven't experienced this event you owe it to yourself---especially with the holiday season upon us. Great products, great company, and great fun.
Doors open at 6, see you there. The InSights Group is located at 7187 Grand River, two miles off exit 145 across from Enterprise.
Doors open at 6, see you there. The InSights Group is located at 7187 Grand River, two miles off exit 145 across from Enterprise.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
6th Annual International Acoustic Music Awards Deadline Looms
From one of our LinkedIn groups, Musicians, Lamocu wishes to share this message that came to us yesterday. Submitted on November 01, 2009 at 02:48 PM PST
By Eric de Fontenay, Owner of MusicDish & Mi2N / Music Brand Development
By Eric de Fontenay, Owner of MusicDish & Mi2N / Music Brand Development
Url: http://www.inacoustic.com/The 6th Annual IAMA's deadline is fast approaching. There is less than 2 weeks left to enter. IAMA promotes excellence in Acoustic Music Performance and Artistry. Acoustic artists in various genres can gain exciting radio and web exposure through this competition. Participating sponsors include D'Addario Strings, New Music Weekly, Loggins Promotion, AirplayAccess.com, Tanager Music Software (Songframe), Sonicbids.com, Broadjam.com, Acoustic Cafe Radio Show and XM Sirius Satellite Radio. IAMA is open to all independent artists and labels. Unlike other music industry competitions, IAMA focuses on developing new markets for Acoustic artists, labels and with or without CD releases. Past year's winners include The Refugees (USA), Kate Lush (Australia), Wayne Southards (USA), Larry Pattis (USA), Omega (Uganda), etc. Win awards in 8 different categories: Folk/Americana/Roots, AAA/Alternative, Instrumental, Open, Bluegrass, Best Male Artist, Best Female Artist, Best Group/Duo. There will also be an Overall Grand Prize winner awarded to the top winner worth over US$11,000, which includes radio promotion to over 250 radio stations in US and Canada. Winning songs will be heard on radio! Winners and runner-ups will be featured on our CD compilation. Also, we feature up to 10 different artists get featured and promoted on IAMA website every month, which provides a review, ratings, CD information and more. The sooner, you enter, the sooner you get featured!Judging is based on excellence in music performance, songwriting/composition/song choice, Music Production and originality. (Please note that IAMA is a different competition from USA Songwriting Competition). All entries must be entered by November 9 or earlier. Ways to enter:** For the regular entry form, please go to:http://www.inacoustic.com/entryform.html** Or enter online:http://www.broadjam.com/contests/details/contest/index.php?contest_id=1493** Or enter online via Sonicbids:http://www.sonicbids.com/iama2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Phones, I could just scream. You ever have problems with your phone? Sure you have. That seen with Chris Rock in Lethal Weapon 4 always comes up when I have a phone issue. "they **** ya".
About a month ago my phone took a swim and I found out that that IS the ultimate. I saved it within seconds but it was already too late. Oh sure if the stars are in the correct alignment and all other factors are correct...you "might" be able to QUICKLY get the battery out and salvage something. What that something is, if anything, cannot be predicted, but one thing it will not be able to do is retrieve stored phone numbers! "they **** ya"!
Knowing this you immediately start entering the numbers you "know" when you get your new phone. Oh and by the way, because it's a NEW phone, it's a NEW contract now too. "they **** ya." Why am I telling you all this? Because if I haven't called you lately, this is why. lol I was so accustomed to just pulling up names and punching a button---I had become a slave to technology! I remember one time at my first job in a kitchen, the slicer went down and the Line Cook couldn't put a sliced onion on a hamburger...the Chef hearing this walked in and said, "People listen up, this is a knife and this is a cutting board---watch." With mission accomplished the patron received their burger with onion and we got a lecture on being dependent on technology. As a young dishwasher I was quite impressionable and after his humiliation, I KNEW to stay away from the Line Cook for the rest of the evening. But nonetheless, when it comes to technology...they **** ya!
I believe this is why I love Scotty so much on Star Trek. When something went wrong, Scotty was able to pull out some basic knowledge out of nowhere to overcome the malfunction. Scotty made it seem soooo simple and always had that sheepish grin afterwards, like it was nothing. Capt. Kirk trusted and counted on him and he was my hero.
Thanks for reading along, more later so stay tuned.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Hell "doco" @ Sundance?
Followers of this site have heard of, hopefully experienced Mr. Hyde. For those of you who know them and those of you who don't...here is some exciting news. Mr. Hyde was playing out in Hell, Michigan on Devil's Night and there was a film crew there doing a documentary to submit to Sundance next year. Working title for the project is "Hell on Earth". Bill Welsh, the man behind Flannel Nation is a founding member of Mr. Hyde. Bill sent me the following message this morning:
Some cool news to share. Mr. Hyde was filmed for an upcoming documentary about Hell MI. The film will be called "Hell on Earth" and they are looking to get it into the Sundance Film Festival in 2011. It was cool, they filmed us doing 8 of our originals. Will see what happens, but it was a very surreal Rock Star moment in Hell on Devil's Night.
Rock Star:Bill Welsh Billy Paul Jr. Mr. Hyde 248 798 1180 Cell www.reverbnation.com/billypauljr
Mr. Hyde and their alter ego, Uptown Sound will be performing at the "Paint The Town Green" event at Lawrence Institute of Technology on Saturday, November 21st. Look for more information on that coming soon. Until then, thanks for reading along, keep the faith and STAY TUNED.
Some cool news to share. Mr. Hyde was filmed for an upcoming documentary about Hell MI. The film will be called "Hell on Earth" and they are looking to get it into the Sundance Film Festival in 2011. It was cool, they filmed us doing 8 of our originals. Will see what happens, but it was a very surreal Rock Star moment in Hell on Devil's Night.
Rock Star:Bill Welsh Billy Paul Jr. Mr. Hyde 248 798 1180 Cell www.reverbnation.com/billypauljr
Mr. Hyde and their alter ego, Uptown Sound will be performing at the "Paint The Town Green" event at Lawrence Institute of Technology on Saturday, November 21st. Look for more information on that coming soon. Until then, thanks for reading along, keep the faith and STAY TUNED.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Upcoming events!
Lamocu Productions is happy to announce the following:
Friday, November 6, 2009=Quartermania at InSights (Al Smith emceeing...so beware)
Saturday, November 21, 2009=Paint The Town Green at Lawrence Institute of Technology
-City Limit and A Hero Falls performing from 3-6pm for Science Fair
-Uptown Sound DJing fashion show in the evening
-Mr. Hyde rockin out the evening after the show
December shows to be determined.
Saturday, January 23, 2010=Our first show at The Well, 7191 Grand River in Brighton, 8pm
(acts to be determined)
-Lamocu Productions and The Guild of Insightful Sounds is officially moving!
Saturday, February 20, 2010=Our second show at The Well, 8pm (acts to be determined)
Saturday, March 20, 2010=Our third show at The Well, 8pm (acts to be determined)
Well that it's for now, details will be coming on all of the above. For now let's be thankful and spend some time appreciating the one and only Soupy Sales. Until next time, stay tuned.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
News pending...
Great day of meetings have concluded and it's 99.9% official, we will be moving in the next couple months. Precise timing and details have yet to be arranged but systems are working together to make this happen.
On November 21st Lamocu Productions will be doing the Paint The Town Green show at Lawrence Institute of Technology. From 3-6 in the afternoon we will be providing two youth bands to play during the "green" science fair, we will be supplying the sound system used for the entire event, DJ service for the evening fashion show and a headlining band to rock out the evening. This will be our eighth time working with Laura Deljanin and her firm and this is the biggest event yet. The trust Laura has placed in our hands in indescribable and we appreciate her very much. As details become concrete we will pass them along.
That's about it for now. One more day of football practice as we see the Juniors and Sophomores mesh together, building chemistry for the off season workouts and next year. Then our attention focuses to meetings on Thursday that will enhance our programing here. After that, preparations for Halloween.
Until next time kick back and enjoy the Indian Summer. Tonight, I'm kicking back and watching some more of Soupy---his 3 DVD collection is still available through Rhino, just an fyi.
Thanks for following along, until next time, stay tuned.
On November 21st Lamocu Productions will be doing the Paint The Town Green show at Lawrence Institute of Technology. From 3-6 in the afternoon we will be providing two youth bands to play during the "green" science fair, we will be supplying the sound system used for the entire event, DJ service for the evening fashion show and a headlining band to rock out the evening. This will be our eighth time working with Laura Deljanin and her firm and this is the biggest event yet. The trust Laura has placed in our hands in indescribable and we appreciate her very much. As details become concrete we will pass them along.
That's about it for now. One more day of football practice as we see the Juniors and Sophomores mesh together, building chemistry for the off season workouts and next year. Then our attention focuses to meetings on Thursday that will enhance our programing here. After that, preparations for Halloween.
Until next time kick back and enjoy the Indian Summer. Tonight, I'm kicking back and watching some more of Soupy---his 3 DVD collection is still available through Rhino, just an fyi.
Thanks for following along, until next time, stay tuned.
Meetings all day...
Today we got some meetings scheduled that will greatly change our future. Very excited and a little scared. But that's okay because if you're not having an OSM (oh sh*t moment) you're not trying hard enough! More as they day progresses. Take care and stay tuned.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Another hero bites the dust!
Well I know HE wasn't every one's cup of tea...but for me, the world was better because of Soupy Sales! His passion was having fun, it came through in everything he did. Soupy was one of the first things my dad and shared together, the others were the classic comedy teams (3 Stooges, Marx Brothers and Laurel & Hardy) and of course the Looney Tunes. My dad and I loved to laugh and Soupy to us was "local boy makes good"...He started out on Channel 7 here in Detroit, then went onto L.A., then New York. The world was loving our Soupy!
One of my greatest memories was upon returning from Scout summer camp, I was informed that my parents were taking me to SEE Soupy that night. Soupy was performing his standup at the Top Hat dinner club over in Windsor and we were going. Between shows I took my program backstage for an autograph, scared beyond my years of 12. But the thought of meeting a real celebrity, one that I had known and loved for years drove me through the body of adults mulling about. Once I stood before my idol I was met with his beaming, trademark
smile and he said "Well hello there young fellow." I felt a warmth instantly. "How can I help you today?" he continued. When I asked for his autograph---if it wouldn't be too much trouble...he was most obliging, and thanked ME. What made the interaction so perfect was that for years, everyone accept my mom, misspelled my name. Even my pediatrician consistently spelled Alan with two L's and an E! So when my hero asked how I spelled Alan, "is it A-L-A-N?" I was floored, stunned, almost speechless. I managed to blurt out "Yes" and "Thank you" that seemed to catch every one's attention. It was obvious to Soupy and all the adults mulling about, that he had made my day --- and he loved it! Soupy laughed and announced to everyone that THIS is why he does what he does, happy kids are what it's all about. And suddenly I was the focal point of attention backstage.
I thanked Mr. Sales---vaguely remember shaking his hand, heard him thank me for coming to see him while my eyes became transfixed on the program he had handed back to me. In very clear letters it said "To Alan, best wishes, Soupy Sales".
I clutched the program as I walked back to parents, rarely taking my eyes off what he had written. My mother knew the frustration that I had endured with my name. (Seems like a simple thing, but when your own family doctor doesn't pay attention...well I was 12, lots of stuff was more traumatic back then) Mom was thrilled on that little detail, that little consideration Mr. Sales had given me. She had never totally "gotten" Soupy like dad and I had, but that night her opinion of him grew.
So with that, I will miss Soupy. For any of you too young remember I encourage you to search, explore and experience the one and only Soupy Sales! There was a collection through Rhino Records that you might want to track down. Anyways, thanks for reading along, until next time, stay tuned.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sold Out in Grand Rapids!
Last Friday night in Grand Rapids, stand-up Trevor Smith and several of his fellow comics performed to a sell out crowd of over 400 patrons. This event is another in a series of triumphs for Trevor and we are all very excited here at Lamocu.
There is talk that with the success of this show, an actual "tour" may develop and talk of a show at Trevor's Alma matre, Pinckney High School sometime in February, 2010. As details become available, we will keep you, our faithful readers informed.
At this writing, down-loadable DVDs of last week's show will be available through the net within the next couple weeks. Again, as details develop we will keep you informed. For those of you who were able to experience Trevor at our first two Open Mic's at InSights AND the very first Variety Show, consider yourself a part of history. There is more big news brewing here at Lamocu, but for the time being, let's enjoy the success of one of our very own making it big.
So until next time, stay tuned.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Great night of football.
Wow, it's been awhile since I felt this way...but tonight our JV team beat Hartland 44-15! For the first time in almost 10 years, the JV program at Pinckney is guaranteed a winning record and the first time since I have been with the program. I'm so proud of these young men, ...
but for now, on to some serious celebrating.
Oh yeah, there IS a show this Saturday at InSights, featuring the return of City Limit...but we're 5 and 2 with two games left. Tickets as usual will be $10 adults and $5 students and there will be a fund raiser for the Deshane foundation...but we're 5 and 2!
More later, so stay tuned!
city limit,
pinckney football
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Preparing for Saturday.
Had a pretty productive day today, hope everyone else did too. Got flyer's and tickets into the school for this Saturday's show featuring City Limit. Met with manager of a club on doing a euchre tournament and it just so happened the board was meeting tonight! Karma in action!
Probably won't make the Turbo meeting tomorrow in Okemos, too much to do before the weekend, meetings are stockpiling in the evening. Hopefully one of the meetings will be with a youth director of a local church who wants to work with us. More later, so stay tuned.
Probably won't make the Turbo meeting tomorrow in Okemos, too much to do before the weekend, meetings are stockpiling in the evening. Hopefully one of the meetings will be with a youth director of a local church who wants to work with us. More later, so stay tuned.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fusion @ The Well!
Heard some great things about the Fusion show that was at the Well a couple weeks ago---while at church nonetheless! Can't wait to share these tidbits with my buddy Nate tomorrow.
Too much football on right now, the Lions lost, but who were we fooling anyways? Got to check out Sanchez right now. I don't know after coaching high school, then giving my heart and soul for the college games, I just don't seem to have the enthusiasm for the pros these days. But the Steelers play tonight so maybe I'll take that game in.
More later, so stay tuned.
Too much football on right now, the Lions lost, but who were we fooling anyways? Got to check out Sanchez right now. I don't know after coaching high school, then giving my heart and soul for the college games, I just don't seem to have the enthusiasm for the pros these days. But the Steelers play tonight so maybe I'll take that game in.
More later, so stay tuned.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Second Quartermania a success!
The second in our series of Quartermania’s came to a successful conclusion last night at InSights. By all accounts it was a success, we had several new volunteers, new vendors, new patrons and even some Quartermania “pros” who were there to check out and compare our show.
All in all though the numbers were about the same but the word is getting out on this event, which is encouraging. The next few days will be spent accumulating the data we received and trying to build with what we’ve got. And “building” does need to be done—this is too good a concept to remain static.
Our charity for the night was Autism. Marcy Hornsby and Lisa Frober were auctioning off a “drunk bucket” filled with various quality beverages and we thank them for their time and efforts (they are also loyal patrons of Quartermania). Their wonderful cause will be running a Euchere tournament soon and when we get more information we certainly will share that with you our readers.
Sandi Maki from InSights took lots of pictures/videos and hopefully we will be posting and sharing those with you soon. Kudos to Betsy Rackliffe, the tireless worker who was able to do her usual fantastic job of hosting even though she had ran an art gallery showing the night before.
Remember, it will always be (barring holiday interruption) the first Friday of every month from here on…spread the word. Those that have done Quartermania, stay with Quartermania!
Look for updates at this locale, our next Quartermania will be November 6th, 2009
All in all though the numbers were about the same but the word is getting out on this event, which is encouraging. The next few days will be spent accumulating the data we received and trying to build with what we’ve got. And “building” does need to be done—this is too good a concept to remain static.
Our charity for the night was Autism. Marcy Hornsby and Lisa Frober were auctioning off a “drunk bucket” filled with various quality beverages and we thank them for their time and efforts (they are also loyal patrons of Quartermania). Their wonderful cause will be running a Euchere tournament soon and when we get more information we certainly will share that with you our readers.
Sandi Maki from InSights took lots of pictures/videos and hopefully we will be posting and sharing those with you soon. Kudos to Betsy Rackliffe, the tireless worker who was able to do her usual fantastic job of hosting even though she had ran an art gallery showing the night before.
Remember, it will always be (barring holiday interruption) the first Friday of every month from here on…spread the word. Those that have done Quartermania, stay with Quartermania!
Look for updates at this locale, our next Quartermania will be November 6th, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What is this stuff?
Sitting in a blogging class at InSights, trying to make this site more interesting for my followers. lol
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
City Limit returns to InSights!
The high school trio City Limit returns to InSights on Saturday, October 10, 2009. Lamocu Productions is very proud to bring this band back, many things have changed since the last time they performed for us...we have a sponsor now, a professional emcee etc etc. and we feel this will be their best performance yet.
If you haven't seen these guys yet, don't miss this opportunity. To see more of them check out their myspace site, http://www.myspace.com/citylimitmi
Guy Robertson, the talented troubadour we've discovered recently, returns to begin his run as our musical emcee and we're excited to have him. Guy's wit adds a dimension to his musical talent that makes him a very special talent and person as well. Guy has had extensive experience running Open Mic nights and we're honored that he has joined our team.
This night promises to be one of our best shows. In addition to the $5 coupon you will receive for your paid admission, Buffalo Wild Wings now has given us coupon books with values over $50 for sale for only $10. It almost doesn't pay not to come our music nights at InSights.
In addition to all this, Lauren Alm will be one of the performers this Thursday at the debut of the Art Gallery at InSights. The Gallery will be held every first Thursday of the month and we think Lauren will become a regular fixture in this program. To see what Lauren has been up to, check out her myspace http://www.myspace.com/laurenalmacoustic
We too have a myspace now, http://www.myspace.com/alsmithlamocu check it out, it's still a work in progress but so far we like it. Of course the video editor down the hall is constantly talking about how HE could make it better, but those of you who know him know he's mostly talk---so I just tell him to go back in his hole and get back to work. lol
Well that's about it for now, more to come, thanks for reading along, stay tuned.
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