We've been away from our computers for a few days, sorry. It seems the holiday season can be the most stressful and sometimes the most depressing time of the year. The Well is presenting a four part drama dealing with just that issue and I'm proud to be part of it. I play the old man, the grandfather---obviously typecasting! But what am I going to do? There's no such things as a small part, just small actors, or so the saying goes. And I've needed the role to stay focused in my own life, so many thanks to the crew at The Well that saw "something" in my potential.
In the last few days some incredible highs and lows have hit me. Staying balanced is not the easiest thing to do even when it's not the holiday season. First, my oldest Alex made it official is going off to join the Marines. Pride combined with fear hit me hard. It's like being on the greatest roller coaster in the world---you're excited to finally be there but that trek up to the top is full of anxiety. Next my second child Trevor gets his first radio interview since becoming a stand up comic and he gives ME credit for his comic upbringing! A buddy driving truck in another state heard it live and called me instantly! My pride turned to excitement and was about to burst---I was at the highest point of the roller coaster, enjoying the ride. Then just two days ago my dad and I are having lunch, he asks what my daughter Melissa would like for Christmas, he would like to get it soon because he doesn't think he'll live until Christmas...my roller coaster had bottomed out. Dad has been sleeping more and more and I feel I'm on a "death watch" now.
I know the roller coaster will begin it's ascent again soon. There will be "highs" coming to me, for Lamocu and everything we are trying to do here, I know that. We have a big show in January to get ready for, but for now we're finishing this week on the bottom side of the roller coaster looking up. And that is where you have to look. You can't look back for this nothing you can do to change the past. You have FAITH and you move forward, knowing that ascent WILL happen soon.
Then today after two days of clunking along at the bottom of my roller coaster, I get a message from a new friend in California. Karen Stever left me this quote in "comments" on our My Space. It is from Helen Keller:
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved."
It's brutal we should have to go through so much to build our character, bu
t I do hope we can at least see some good come from it!
I hope you are doing well there!!!
Karen :)
Like a guardian angel this source of inspiration arrived. The ascent has begun. More later so stay tuned.
This guy's an I-D-I-O-T!!! Coward wont put his name!REAL FUNNY JERK!!!
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