Well it has been an eventful week here at Lamocu and InSights to say the least! We got a lot to cover so let's get started. First, our friends the Partly Brothers are playing in Ann Arbor tomorrow night at the Crazy Wisdom Tea Room from 8:30 to 10:30. For those of you not familiar with Ann Arbor, the Crazy Wisdom Tea Room is located on Main St. right in downtown. There is no charge for this performance and seating is limited so be sure and get there early for a good seat.
On Saturday, here at InSights, A Hero Falls will be making their debut on our stage. This concert has been a long time in the making due to the band's hectic schedule. Now this is not an Open Mic Night night...this is a true performance by A Hero Falls and we're very excited about having them here. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children and students with ID.
Two great nights of local musical being performed...well locally and economically. With entertainment costs what they are today you can't afford not to take in at least one of these great acts---if not both. If you do, I'll see you there!
Now as for the Lead Singers of our Fantasy Bands, it was pointed out to me that in my earlier posting I had forgotten Janis Joplin and Heart. I was ashamed of course, I mean how could I talk of female rock and rollers and NOT mention Janis? Well I think the correct scientific term is Brain Fart. And it is why I always try to mention that I "may" omit someone by accident and it is not due to any editorial bias on my part. Space and time constraints usually effect such things. But Heart...my friends really gave me a hard time on that omission because I tried to turn all of my friends onto the Wilson sisters after I saw them for the first time. One said "Smith don't you remember how you ranted and raved about them for a week?" And I did. Heart had warmed up for Seger at the Homecoming concert my first year at State and to this day it was a very special night on many levels. So there you have it, my apologies to Janis and the Wilson sisters, I love all three of you.
Now that we are well into this post, you probably have wondered why Linda Ronstadt is pictured here, well you can guess it, she is "our" Female Lead Singer for our Fantasy Band! And again I want to remind everyone that the FM rock stations played her material for a few years. It seems the classic rock genre wants to ignore it's soft rock era but I refuse to bend here. 101 FM WRIF in Detroit has been the "home of rock and roll" for over 30 years and is still a leader---not a "classic rock" station at all and I bet they would freak out to know that I have a newspaper ad showing them presenting Seals & Croft in concert! So if you want to know the rock era of Linda check out the following: Prisoner in Disguise, Heart Like A Wheel, Hasten Down The Wind, Simple Dreams and Living In The USA... from 1974 to 1977. Linda did go onto other projects but believe me, for a few years she was a major contributor to rock and roll; in fact her warm up band used to be this little known called (wait for it)...The Eagles.
Got to roll, but here is our band so far, Male Lead Singer coming tomorrow. Until then thanks for reading along and stay tuned.
Lamocu Productions Fantasy Band
Female Lead Singer...Linda Ronstadt
Bass Player...Joe Bouchard of Blue Oyster Cult
Drummer...Neil Peart of Rush
Keyboards...Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Instrumentalist...Alto Reed of The Silver Bullet Band
Lead Guitarists...Gary Richrath of R.E.O. Speedwagon AND Pete Townsend of The Who