Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Will Springsteen @ InSights!

Will Springsteen, no no relation in case you were wondering, will be making his debut on our stage this weekend. For those of you who saw Will at our first Variety Show back on Feb. 28th you know what a talent he is. For those of you who missed that show, don't miss this one.

Will plays an awesome guitar and has gutty, thought provoking lyrics for his songs. I guarantee you will like everything about Will Springsteen and years from now you'll be able to say "I saw Will when he was just starting out, performing at InSights". Of course you'll only be able to say that in the future if you DO come see him this Saturday.

An update on the Fantasy Band...there has been no feedback on that "extra" position we added to accommodate harmonica players, saxophonists etc. Not even from the people that suggested that category. lol So ours will be easy a real no brainer that we'll disclose tomorrow. In the meantime, spread the word about Will. Until then, stay tuned.