Well, the show Saturday was EXCELLENT! You will notice that I didn't use the term awesome, possibly the most over-used word in the past decade, but the show was definitely excellent.
If you still haven't checked out the Partly Brothers or Lauren Alm, you've been doing yourself a disservice. At least twenty people left asking if and when these two acts were going to be back, they were going to tell their friends. So when it's scheduled the announcement will be loud and clear. As the representative of Lamocu Productions & The Guild of InSightful Sound I cannot thank Luti, Brian and Lauren enough. As I stated in an earlier post, after months of growing pains, we had reached Nirvana with this show!
This weekend coming up will be an off night for us at the InSights, but April 11th Lauren Alm will be headlining our show with special guest Will Springsteen and April 18th will be our second Variety Night show. April 25th is still coming together for an all comedy night, but nothing is set in stone yet so I will keep you all posted.
On the subject of our Rock and Roll Fantasy Bands, we had a suggestion to add the "special" musician for each band. What is a "special" musician? The harmonica player, the sax player or any other musician not typically associated with rock and roll music. They give that distinction to the band and some cases the band itself develops a distinction of it's own---can anyone say Chicago?
Well got to go for now, use your imagination and have fun with this. But definitely, positively, absolutely...check out the Partly Brothers and Lauren at their My Space sites. You will be a better person by the end of the day---guaranteed! Take care and stay tuned!