Friday, May 29, 2009

A Hero Falls returns to InSights!

A Hero Falls returns to InSights on June 6th! Lamocu Productions is very excited about this show and proud to be associated with these young people. Rarely do you see talent and personality go hand in hand, but such is the case here. I mean I loved Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple and Rainbow) a genius with the guitar but, also a known creep to work with. His temper was legendary and when he would lose his temper at a DP concert it would force the remaining members to work that much harder to put on a good show for the audience---I have the dvd to prove it. lol It is documented that you could "almost" make an entire band (except Lead Guitarist of course) out of the musicians he had fired from Rainbow. But such is not the case with these young people at all. They all have good heads on their shoulders and are a pleasure to be around. We at Lamocu have been very impressed not only their talent but with their personality, intelligence & professionalism.

If you think that you don't hear enough good news about young people, only the bad, you're in for a treat with A Hero Falls. It is hard rock make no mistake about it, but it is rock and roll that all ages can appreciate and enjoy. They are our "new" favorite around here and feel confident you will feel the same once you see them. Check out their link to MySpace or find them on Facebook.

Tickets for the show are $10 adults, $5 for children and students with ID. Doors for the 8pm show will open 7pm. Hope to see you all there, thanks and stay tuned.

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