Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Comedy Open Mic Debuts!

Some day when future volumes of this book come out, it may very well showcase pictures of comedians you will see this Saturday at InSights. Why you may ask? Is it because we are soooo confident that the people we have assembled are THAT good? Well,...YES it is that we are that confident. You see we went after the "pros from Dover" here, the improv group Whatever You Call It was formed and anchored by Second City graduate Dan Harris. So like, we have documentation and everything that they will be funny, so there.

What stand-ups make it to the show is still in the works but we do know this, every Comedy Open Mic that Lamocu puts on at InSights will have "trained professionals" in charge. For those of you who do not like to laugh, this could be very scary.

As we approach our one year anniversary of doing Open Mic's at InSights, it has always been our goal to have one night develop into just music and the other reserved for comedy. Dan Harris' graduation and ascent into "improv credibility" has made all this possible. With a trained troupe running the show we can be sure every night will fresh, innovative and something the audience can participate in. Our reluctance to make the jump until now has been due to the failure of other comedy open mic's that have the same comics show up week after week and do the same routine which leads to the ultimate demise of the event itself. With Dan's troupe it will be the equivalent of having a "house band" and will ensure our success.

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