Well here we go into the home stretch for our Valentine's Day show. I have to admit I was reluctant all day to change the posting because I like looking at Joe Bouchard so much. Apologies are due to good friends Billy Paul and Sqaurehead, I was a little bummed most of the day that I had no comments from those two guys in particular on their "fantasy" input. But, low and behold I get back to the site tonight and we had two comments---from Billy Paul and Squarehead! So I apologize for anything I was thinking. LOL
We'll allow input on Bass Players until next week to give everyone else a chance to voice their views. Next week, we'll do keyboardists! Before you sign off today, or any day for that matter, check out the "comment" section of this blog and share the love of music.
Now onto the show at hand. Back in November, 2008 when City Limit made their stage debut for us, they were the warm up act for Lauren Alm. Lauren has had several postings on this blog since then and we are proud to say is making some money with her performing. Well this time Lauren saw the posters for City Limit and asked if she could "warm up" for them. How cool is that? Just goes to show you the class of performer Lauren is and of course City Limit was flattered and touched by her gesture. Of course I always thought Zach the drummer was a little "touched" anyways, but that's another posting. AND, before Lauren, kicking off the show at 8pm will be a new band making their debut on stage named Pick Your Poison.
These additions to the line up truly give City Limit "top billing", the featured performers of the evening. It works out great all around because now Lauren and City Limit can meet with the "dream team" we have put together in the Green Room during Pick Your Poison's show. Lauren, City Limit, (and their parents) can meet with our audio producer, t-shirt man, poster lady, video producer, web site advisor and photographer Jon Curtis before going on stage. It will be the first assembling of the "dream team" and doing this all at once actually works out for most of them as well since IT IS Valentine's Day and they all have "significant others" and weren't sure how they could stay to meet with the performers.
Very excited the way things are coming together and feel this is an evening that will be remembered for a long long time. Come enjoy the show and be a part of history. Stay tuned in.
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