Well after one our more dismal Open Mic Nights this past Saturday (no one came) we're very excited about our next two Open Mic's. Sometime today I will get a confirmation on our scheduled band for the Valentine's Day show and then our promotion will go into full swing. Other pieces have already been put into place, for instance...
Jon Curtis Photography will be on hand to do "couple portraits" for $10. Guys, if you want to score some extra points with your favorite gal, this IS the ticket. Usually this service is only offerred at Proms and Homecomings---but this will be Valentines Day so come PREPARED! You'll get a great night of entertainment AND walk away with treasured piece to remember the night by. Our thanks again to Jon for being such a great supporter of what we're doing here at Insights!
Also, the 28th when we do our first full scale variety show is fast approaching. We hope to promote a lineup by sometime this week, so stay tuned.
Going back to address what happened on Saturday night, it's the nature of the beast. NOT being open when you advertise an Open Mic Night is the "kiss of death". Granted it's tempting to leave early when no one comes to the door but I personally have heard too many horror stories of where a comdedian or musician has traveled miles to pracice their craft only to see the doors closed. If you were one of those performers, chances are good you would go away with a bad taste in your mouth about that venue---possibly never to return and never speak kindly about it.
Fortunately we didn't have any patrons at the door wishing to see our "non" performers, but that will be remedied when our House Band is put into place later this year. But there is no other place my crew and I would rather have been Saturday night. For as the saying goes...
"All Open Mic Nights are good, some are just great!"
As a follow up to our meeting with Flannel Nation Records last week, more of our "team" is coming into place. The old saying if "you build it, they will come" is becoming a reality. Because in addition to Jon Curtis, who I can't say enough about, we have been contacted by computer specialist and a graphic artist in the last few days inquiring about collaboration with us. As their interest becomes solidified, we will promote them here just like we do Jon and Insights. All of this is an attempt to give our young artists the tools they need to succeed. There is so much excitement right now, I didn't get to my milk and cookies until almost ten last night!
More later...
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