As an update to our previous blog about Open Mic night on the 8th, we may have a second band appearing as well. Word is getting out about this project and Zach Reske, drummer for City Limit called and asked if another act could join in the festivities tomorrow night, their name currently unknown.
I told Zach this was fine but, Lauren Alm is scheduled to perform for a good hour starting at approximately 9pm and depending on logistics, this band would have to wait their turn. Zach's band, City Limit is scheduled to begin our show at 8, play until 9 and play again after Lauren's show. So the second band will have to cut into City Limit's second performance, not Lauren's.
It is great to have this situation developing because we all knew the young talent was out there, they just needed to know that we were here for them. And the good news continues because it looks like Allison Muir, another Pinckney High School student, will be performing on our next Open Mic night on the 22nd. Zach's friends have been invited to play their full set on the 22nd if they wish.
That's all for now, I hope to see you all tomorrow night. Remember tickets are just $5 for students and $10 for adults, with $5 off when you bring in a canned good donation for Gleaner's Food Bank.
Please remember our Ecumenical Fund Raiser on the 21st at Country Elementary as well. This event is picking up momentum as we head into these last two weeks. Soon WHMI will be promoting this event on the air. We should also be appearing in the calender of events in the Press/Argus and Community News.
The Ecumenical Fund Raiser is proving to be another example of performers stepping up. Last week Chris Martinez of Boherald called and asked if another band could join them. I gave Chris the same answer I gave Zach above, Laura MacKimmie and Raw Deal are prepared to do complete sets and if Boherald wants to give up some of their set up time/performing time to this other group that would be fine. With flyers and posters already distributed I told Chris we wouldn't be able to promote their friends but if an artist wants to lend their talents for the cause, that's admirable and I wouldn't turn them away.
Ok, thanks for reading along. Again, it's great to know the young talent is out there just as we thought. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Tickets by the way for the Ecumenical show on the 21st are on sale at the following locations: Brighton Tropi Tan, The Insights Group, Schafers House of Music (both locations), Arise United Methodist Church, St. Mary's Catholic Church and the Community Congregational Church of Pinckney.
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