Friday, January 20, 2012

Tomorrow Nights Lineup

Here is the final lineup for our show tomorrow night.
830-850            Lindsey Klebba
9-920                Mark Alan Seramur
930-950            Joe Kidd
10 - 1020          Universal Circles
1030 - 1050      Jessica Schira
Many thanks to our performers who have answered the call.   If you're not familiar with the MMC, you should be, and these five performers will make believers of you.   Special guests are expected and there will be fun for all.   Doors open at 7:30, show begins at 8pm.   $10 admission at the door.  Until later, stay tuned.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Upcoming shows...

This Saturday is the fundraiser for the Michigan Musician's Collective.   If you have never been to their site and not familiar with what they do and the services they provide performers, you're missing out.   This is a group we are proud to be part of and support.   We have a great line up of  M.M.C. members performing as well as members from a couple Meet Up groups coming to check out our shows.   Please pass the word on this Saturday to anyone you know who loves music, the M.M.C. is helping keeping the dream alive for hundreds of local performers.   The site has some costs through Ning and to this day, the administrators of the site still haven't charged their/our members any dues.   To keep this alive we want to raise the funds for Ning.   We can do it, we've easily raised that kind of money before.   Pass this on.  

Our February show will be for the Faith Medical Clinic and our featured performer for this Blues show will be The Spoonful Blues Band

Our March show will be for Kiwanis International's Key Leader teen camp here in Howell and the entertainer will be the rising stand-up comic Trevor Smith.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week wrap up

 Had great meetings with two Kiwanis clubs, Vega Foods and Whitmore Lake Junior Football this week!    Excited to show these new clients what we are capable of.:)

 Heard "That Smell" by Lynard Skynard the other day and it's STILL the best duo lead guitar I have ever heard!

Heard "Five Guitars" by Blue Oyster Cult live the other day, it had been recorded in Detroit---I was there!   If you haven't heard this piece it starts out with an awesome bass solo by Joe Bouchard, who is still the best in the business.  

Line up is coming into place for our January show for the MMC, sponsors are coming on board for the February show for the Faith Medical Clinic two Kiwanis clubs have committed to 150 tickets for our St. Patty Day's show.   Have to run, open mic at Kahuna coffee today and then my play's cast party at Pete Baird's house later.    Until next time, stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Outback Bowl 2012

                                                                Enuf said!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Zebras ruin game

You know I can take losing, I can even take a terribly officiated game at times.   Playing through a terribly officiated game is the sign of a Great team, and I have always dreamed of the Lions being a Great team...but yesterday was too much.   To think they almost still won it is amazing.   Four I should say four Mistakes --- some being bad non calls, in the first half told me all I needed to know about the game.   I'm proud to say I'm a Lions fan and always will be.   The zebras messed with what could have been a great game, win or lose.   I hope those zebras working at the Outback Bowl today---Go State!