Sunday, April 17, 2011

Great Night of Comedy.

It's not very often these blood shot eyes get up and do a post the morning after a show...but today is different. Last night was GREAT. Darnell Anderson and his troupe performed gave this area a glimpse of what comedy is all about.

Half standup and half improv was virtually a show without flaw. These performers may be young, but they are very professional, very polished and a joy to watch. I could go on, I'll have to write more later, like I said this isn't easy with bloodshot eyes :) I just HAD to tell you about the show though, cuz comedy night in this county may be coming very soon. For those of you that were there, you were a part of history, for those of you who weren't---you'll wish you were.

More later, until then keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Sorry about the previous post, we usually like to stay on the side of entertainment but that expo rant was needed. So, back to the really important issues at hand, tomorrow nights show.

Performances @ The Well for April will be featuring a comedy show raising money for Pinckney H.S. Football. We are fortunate to have Darnell Anderson hosting a half stand-up, half improv show that has been in development for several months. Comedy is needed in this area so this could be the beginning of something big here. You will want to be present this Saturday. Tickets will be available at the door as well as on Eventbrite.

As for our band contest, entries have been slow, you all are probably waiting for our first nomination to set the stage. Well, it's been slow and we don't want to detract from tomorrow's show, but we have eliminated Chris Squire from our Bass player competition. Nothing against Chris, just that we're leaning more towards either Roger or Joe as our all-time Bass player.

We hope to see you all tomorrow night. Good times are planned by all. Until later, keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This Journalist's View

It's not too often that I jump on a "soap box" and vent my opinion on something, but this has my dander up and I don't care who knows. We're proud to say we're Ambassadors for our local Chamber and as so we have been working on a business expo for our Home Based members. We were excited about the possibilities, some home based businesses feel the Chamber doesn't do much for them, this was a chance to eliminate that myth.

Things were looking good until a major sponsor pulled out, after saying they would be involved. Interesting and do you want to know why? Through informed sources we have heard it was because the event was to take place on a Saturday? Now if you're looking for a second line of income or to change your career, chances you can't research such things while you're at your day job---if you're lucky enough to have a job. And if you don't have a job and are looking for opportunities, it really doesn't matter that it's on a Saturday does it? But the would be sponsor, Comcast cable, doesn't promote on weekends I guess. For some reason the day Saturday ruined it for them.

Now if you're a home based business, one without a store front, this would be a great opportunity to expose yourselves. Well it would have been a great opportunity. What does this say about the cable giants support of small business? I wonder how many home based businesses use Comcast for their services? I wonder how many WONT after this? If I had my way I'd say none.

I can't wait to see their next marketing campaign directed at small business; I'm sure it will have the words "bundling", "saving", "results" but in fine print will be the escape clause that says "we don't do weekends".

Contest Rules...

As promoted, we have made our all time band lists an annual affair. Granted it's been more than a year since we did the "first" one...that was only due to ... well, a lot of things, but that doesn't matter now. What matters that it's annual now, every year from now on (near or around Opening Day) we will have this. It was fun last time, a few arguements, one divorce but overall a great time. So let's see if we can build on that or completely destroy society.

Here's how it goes, we give you our nominee for all time band member and tell you why. We encourage you to comment. Tell us we're crazy, we've missed the boat---whatever but just tell us why. And Ideally you tell US who your all time band member at that position is. We share some memories and enjoy music together.

Before we go any farther, do you all have your tickets for Saturday yet? Just reminding.

Okay then to get things started, here is the first position we're going to do in the all time band...
The Bass Player. And our nominees (we'll tell our choice tomorrow) are:
Roger Glover - Deep Purple
Chris Squire - Yes
Joe Bouchard - Blue Oyster Cult

See you tomorrow. And, have you got your tickets yet? Until next time keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Web Site Launches

Today I did a presentation in front my BBB networking group (ask me sometime what BBB stands for) and gave a tour of our new web site. It's still developing in many ways but people can see where were going.

We also unveiled our first DVD package today and like the site, its still developing as well. But also like the site, I think people have a clearer idea of what our goals are. Got good news on the company truck today and just can't say enough good things about LaFontaine! So I won't try in this limited space---but I would if I could :)

One last reminder, this Saturday I will be making a fool of myself doing improv with professionals. There should be some magical moments of humiliation that you will be able to hold over me for years on this night. But only if you come, you have to come. We want to bring comedy to this area on regular basis, but we need numbers to make it happen. So come and laugh with us, enjoy your Saturday night out.

Performances @ The Well for April, 2011 is this Saturday @ 7:30 pm featuring Darnell Anderson's Loozapalolla comedy show. Darnell and his friends do one set of standup and one set of improv. Tickets as always are $10 and this month's fundraising group is Pinckney Football. Showtime is 7:30 pm, doors will open at 7---hope to see you there. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Local Businessman Dares!

Well we're into the final week leading up to Loozapalolla. All systems seem to be in place and now we have a local celebrity willing to tackle the world of the unknown, the world of spontaneous combustion, the world of improv. Yes, much to the dismay of most, one local businessman is daring to try his talents in front of a live audience.

Can it be embarrassing? Certainly. Can it be humiliating? Certainly. But that is what makes this experience so challenging and hopefully, so rewarding. A former actor and free lance emcee has no fear in front of an audience---but then "most" of the time he knows what to expect; such will not be the case on Saturday. So stop in and see us, we guarantee even if this guy isn't funny, the rest of the show will be. Until later, stay tuned.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Loozapalolla April 16th!

Darnell Anderson's Loozapalolla tour hits Brighton a week from this Saturday. For those who have wanted, desired, and pined away for comedy in our area, this is your chance. Darnell brings a combination of stand-up and improv in his show.

The first part of Loozapalolla will be stand-up with Darnell and several of his associates---All Veteran Stand-ups---the second part of the show will be improv.
We at Lamocu are very excited about this show, as it could be the beginning of something regular here in town.

We have personally known Darnell for over four years now and have enjoyed watching his career grow. You will find Darnell to be one of the most charming and charismatic entertainers you have ever experienced---he's funny!

So take note of the new start time, 7:30 and come experience a night out of fun and laughter. Darnell and his associates are putting together the best show they know how...and trust us, they do know how!

Hope to see you all there. Let's make comedy night something of a fixture here in our community. Until next time, keep your stick on the ice and stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This Just In!

FYI the Stray Dogs will be howling on Wednesday, tomorrow the 6th, but Alan Smith will be howling at Open Mic at the Ark. Best of luck Al, we'll try and howl in harmony without you:)

Also in the news is the rising expectations of Darnell Anderson's

Loozapalolla Tour coming to Brighton on the 16th!

We at Lamocu are looking forward to bringing comedy to Livingston County and feel this will be something we will build on. The humor will be clean but basically PG-13 fair, with the first 45 minutes devoted to Stand-Up and the second segment featuring Improv. Rumor has it, that there will be a celebrity guest trying his luck in the improv arena. That guest...the "other" Alan Smith from Lamocu Productions.

Look for further developments in the next few days. But pencil it in, the 16th for comedy night in Brighton! Until next time, stay tuned.